
Scottish Fold Cat Breed: Facts, Information & Traits

Scottish Fold: Character, education, health, price - The right cat for you?

Scottish Fold

Originally from Scotland, the Scottish Fold is a calm, attentive cat, remarkably gentle, and therefore very endearing. However, because of its great predisposition to certain genetic diseases and the frequent appearance of malformations, this feline will require special attention from you.

Find out below everything you need to know about the Scottish Fold, one of purebred cats the most popular, its origins, history, behavior, characteristics, photos, and much more. other things that will let you know if it is for you or not.

The Scottish Fold in Video

Who is the ideal cat for?

Indoor animal, the Scottish Fold is a big ball of fur that likes to take a nap. Very calm, he doesn't bother anyone. On the contrary, his company is pleasant, relaxing and provides good humor. This cat is suitable for people who like tranquility and it adapts well to your lifestyle, whether you live in an apartment or in a large house. Basically, as long as he is entitled to his privileged moments of calm and serenity, the Scottish Fold is happy!

Origin and History of the Scottish Fold

The origin of the breed is very recent and somewhat peculiar in that all Scottish Fold cats have a common ancestor named Susie. It dates back to the 1960s when a Scottish couple (William and Mary Ross) discovered a white cat with oddly turned-down ears on their farm, which they later adopted.

A few years later, Susie gave birth to kittens with ears folded in "caps" like those of their mother, which attracted the curiosity of certain English and American breeders who will take charge of developing a new breed from these specimens. They will realize during their experiments that the folded ears were due to a genetic mutation, and this will considerably slow down the popularization of the breed.

They will then cross these specimens with British Shorthairs, in order to eliminate the mutated gene which gave creased ears. It was then that the Scottish Fold breed was born. This breed has experienced several refusals to participate in major animal competitions, and repetitive refusals of acceptance due to numerous malformations and excessively high risk of disease. America was the first to recognize the breed through the ACA in 1973, the ACFA in 1974, and the CFA in 1976. But in France, the Scottish Fold appeared for the first time in 1982.

Physical characteristics of the Scottish Fold The

entire physique of the Scottish Fold is characterized by a round shape. The head is perfectly round like that of an owl, with a short and wide nose. The eyes are also very round and of intense color (blue, green, gold, copper) in adequacy with the dress. The ears, as you will understand, make the Scottish Fold unique: they have a folded appearance in 2 possible ways: either in the middle (we speak of single fold), or at the base (double fold).

The Scottish Fold is a strong, broad and muscular body cat that weighs between 3.5 and 5.5 kg for the female and over 5 kg for the male. The framework of the limbs is very solid, with short legs but proportional to the body, and at the end of which are round feet. The tail is moderately long, thick at the base, and at the rounded end.

As for the coat of the Scottish Fold, there are 2 varieties depending on the length of the hair. The coat is thick, dense, tight and of the resilient fluffy style. When the hairs are short (in most cases) this variety is still called Scottish Fold, but when they are medium long, we speak of thebreed Highland Fold. All possible hair colors are recognized, with smoke, spotted, tabby, shaded, Particolore, tortie, etc ...

Behavior of the Scottish Fold

The Scottish Fold is a very zen feline, endowed with great intelligence and calm character, thoughtful, and restful. Not very aggressive, sociable and naturally sympathetic, he does not appreciate being pushed into his habits. In addition, he is greatly affectionate, of a placid nature and spreads tenderness and well-being to whoever wants to stroke his hair. Visitors, especially adults and children, easily form emotional ties with him.

The health and care of the Scottish Fold

The health of the Scottish is not a matter to be taken lightly. It is a breed which, in addition to suffering from the basic diseases common to all cats, is particularly exposed to other risks, and this has repercussions on the care you will have to offer it.

The health of the Scottish Fold

For a long time it was thought that the gene that causes squinting in the Scottish ears was also the source of osteochondrodysplasia, a disease that attacks the bones and cartilages of the animal, causing defects in it. considerable or even severe paralysis. But this hypothesis was ruled out in 2012. However, it is forbidden to cross 2 Scottish Fold specimens to avoid this disease. The only possible crosses are with American or British Shorthairs.


Additionally, the Scottish Fold may be prone to deafness (if it has a white coat), more wax buildup in the ears than in other cat breeds, and also to excessive weight gain, as it is an animal that does not move too much. As you will have understood, it is a breed of cat with fragile health which will often require the intervention of a veterinarian, thus resulting in frequent and significant expenses. This is why you must subscribe to a mutual cat insurance for your Scottish Fold.

Caring for the Scottish Fold Caring for

the Scottish Fold is a very finicky business that will require a lot of dedication. You will need to constantly handle your cat, looking for any stiffness or signs of pain, especially in the tail. And if so, take it immediately to your veterinarian for examination. Also, you will have to scrupulously monitor his diet to prevent him from being overweight (because he is very greedy by nature) and stimulate him with regular but not sudden physical activities.

Finally, since they are all the peculiarity of the Scottish Fold, its ears deserve an equally special treatment. You will need to check and clean them gently and frequently (several times a week) to limit the development of ear parasites. For her coat, maintenance is easy: brushing every week is enough to remove dead hair and keep her coat silky and shiny.

Does the Scottish Fold need specific food?

The Scottish Fold does not require a specific diet for its breed. He subscribes to the carnivorous diet specific to all cats. That is to say a healthy and balanced diet, without food supplements, cereals or chemical additives, but with a high content of proteins of animal origin (meat and / or fish).

The ideal diet for this indoor cat is kibble. Opt for premium kibbles (sold in pet stores and in specialized stores) and having the highest possible animal protein intake. Of course, you will also ensure the permanent availability of drinking water for your feline.

Be careful, as the Scottish Fold is a sedentary animal, you will also need to ration it well, in order to limit the risk of overweight.

What budget to have a Scottish Fold?

The cost of acquiring a Scottish Fold cat depends on its sex, age and pedigree. For a young or adult specimen, you must plan a minimum of € 400 and a maximum of € 1,500. Due to its fragility, the annual maintenance cost is higher than in other breeds, and is between 500 and 800 €.

The accessories adapted to the Scottish Fold

The Scottish Fold needs a cat tree to stretch the joints and have fun, a bowl for water or ideally a water fountain. Regarding his meals, an automatic kibble distributor would be ideal, for a regulated and normal meal intake, in order to reduce his bulimic inclinations.

The choice of these accessories will have to integrate the morphology (size and weight) of your pet. To give you an idea, start on the basis that a Scottish Fold cat measures around 30 to 35 cm in size and weighs between 3 and 5 kg.

Goodies for Scottish Fold lovers


The Scottish Fold



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Photos of Scottish Fold

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Where to adopt a Scottish Fold?

You can adopt a Scottish Fold from a recognized breeder, a cattery, an animal shelter, or even from a private individual. However, if you opt for the private individual option, we recommend that you deal with one of your close acquaintances, in order to avoid any risk of animal trafficking.

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