Angry Cat - 6 Signs that Explain his Anger to Understand!

Why is my Cat Angry? We Explain why!

Angry Cat - 6 Signs that Explain his Anger to Understand!

Angry Cat

Anger is an emotion that can be attributed to cats and it is not excluded that your usually docile little feline may be disturbed to the point of giving the impression of being angry or grumpy.

Several reasons and particular contexts can indeed cause aggression or anger in your cat. This usually results in distinctive signals that are relatively easy to identify.

Let's take a look at how to handle this feeling of anger in cats, as well as some advice on how to react to your cat's anger and better calm it.

6 Ways to Identify an Angry Cat

The anger of our little furballs is expressed through physical signals and expressions that are not generally misleading about their real emotional state, behaviors that are very easy to identify. You must be able to identify these clues in your cat in order to adopt the right gestures.

He shows it to you with his tail

The way your cat wears his tail can give you valuable clues about his mood. Rested or erected straight with a crochet bend at the tip, it usually means your cat is calm or happy.

On the other hand, if you notice that he is wagging his tail or wagging it quickly, it is a sign that he is angry or that something is bothering him.

His hair is completely spiky

Another fairly characteristic sign of anger in cats is the spiky appearance of their hair, especially those located along the spine. You will also notice the curved or arched shape of his back, making him appear taller.

If your cat meets the elements of this description understand that he is very angry with you. Be careful not to approach him or just turn around.

He Has His Ears Lowered Back

Usually our companions normally wear their ears erect on the head or turned forward when they are rested, in a good mood or happy. On the other hand, when these ears are visibly lowered over the head and turned backwards, it is unmistakable proof that your cat is scared or angry.

He vocalizes strongly: growl, hiss with spitting…

The vocalizations in the cat can tell you a lot about his mood. While soft, high-pitched purrs or meows are usually synonymous with happiness or fullness, it is otherwise with low-pitched or strange meows, growls and hisses accompanied by spitting, etc.

If your cat is hissing, growling, spitting or meowing severely, this is probably a sign that he is angry or does not want you to approach him.

He is curled up in a defensive position

A cat curled up and visibly on his guard or in a defensive position is an indication of the anger that is mounting in him and that he is preparing to exteriorize.

A brief illustration of this pose shows your feline flattening on the ground, paws and body curling up as you get closer to it, anda stare comparable to that preceding a retaliation.

In such a circumstance, it is not excluded that your feline will jump on you if you ignore his signals and you persist in venturing too close to him.

He opens his mouth and shows his teeth

If your cat does open his mouth with his lips raised on his gums and show his teeth to you when he seems nervous, this is not a good sign for you, the person or the person. thing towards which his anger is directed. This is indeed proof that he is aggressive and that you will have to keep your distance if you do not want to be bitten or scratched.

Why can a cat be angry?

You should know that there are many possible reasons for anger in cats. But above all, it is important to understand that interpreting the emotion of anger in a cat is above all to affix a very human emotion to a domestic animal.

However, interpreting this type of behavior is very useful in helping you understand why your little feline seems angry or is showing signs of aggression.


Fear is known to be one of the main reasons for aggressive or fearful behavior in cats. Indeed, the majority of angry cats are usually angry because they feel fear.

This emotion in cats can itself result from a very specific context. In particular, a loud noise, the presence of another intimidating congener or another threatening animal on its territory, the arrival of a stranger, or even any threat whatsoever, that the cat may assimilate to insecurity or imminent danger.

In general, fear generates stimuli in the cat which prepare it for 2 types of reactions: either to flee to avoid danger, or to defend itself, hence the expression of anger or aggressiveness observed at this time. .

Suffering or illness

Suffering or health problems cannot be ruled out in the search for an explanation for the state of anger in a cat. Indeed, if your cat, who usually has a balanced temperament or seems happy, suddenly appears aggressive or angry, it is probably in pain or suffering from an illness.

An injury, fever, inflammation of the gums or teeth, abdominal pain or stomach pain, joint pain related to arthritis, osteoarthritis or a fracture, a broken or torn claw ... are some of the causes of suffering that can make an irritable or angry cat.

Likewise, certain gastrointestinal disorders and diseases resulting in painful inflammation are more likely to impact a cat's emotional state and cause mood swings. In these cases, a visit to the vet may be necessary to make sure that all is well with your pet's health.

Poor Socialization

Anger or aggression in cats can also be due to their socialization. Indeed, a cat which has not been properly socialized from its earliest childhood, which has been separated from its mother early or has not been in contact with humans during the first 12 weeks of its birth ... will have more risk of developing aggressive behavior.

In the same sense, mistreatment or even excessive punishment inflicted on a cat can also explain its fearful or angry state.

Exposure to stress

The fearful / aggressive state or the apparent nervousness in our feline companions can also be the result of the stress or anxiety they are experiencing. Thus, your cat who is showing anger may be undergoing significant stress which can result from various factors: a sudden change in his daily routine or in his environment (a move for example, the arrival of a new member in the family , etc.).

How to react to an angry cat?

In the event of a tantrum in the cat, it is important for the owner to adopt the right attitude in order to soothe his feline and help him calm down, but also to prevent him from attacking him (although this is rare). If you notice that your cat is angry, here are some suggestions for the ideal reaction to adapt.

Seek to understand why your cat gets angry

As we noted above, a state of anger in cats is not trivial and necessarily has an explanation (fear, stress, etc.). Identifying and acting on the cause of such an emotion in your feline will certainly help calm him down and restore his temperate or docile mood.

In general, be sure to provide a safe and comfortable living environment and avoid or limit sources of fear or stress that could make your cat angry.

Take a retreat or just keep your distance

Because it is not always easy to determine immediately what irritates your cat or feeds his aggression, one of the best things you can do at first is to keep your distances or move away if your presence or that of another companion bothers him.


Do not try to pet him or carry him while he is angry. At best, pretend to ignore it and leave it for a few minutes, while it calms down

Be patient and do not scold your cat

It is not recommended to scold, pressure or reprimand your cat when he appears angry or fearful. Be patient and help your cat overcome his fear or anxiety.

Consult a veterinarian

Note that a state of anger or aggressiveness that is expressed for a long time, or even more frequently, may be the sign of a medical problem. In this case a consultation and a veterinary diagnosis will allow you to be fixed on the state of health of your feline.


