
100 Quotes About Cats - Proverbs and Sayings About Our Felines

Quotes About Cats

The cat has been an inexhaustible source of words since the dawn of time, both adored and hated according to the times. He remains the faithful companion of man, writers, poets and artists around the world have written and thought about him, allowing us to quote them today.

Cat companion of politician, musicians, clergymen ... so many men accompanied by cats and cats accompanied by people who love cats

Find the most beautiful words and quotes on cats that we have been able to bring together, from real beautiful texts on cats.

100 Quotes About Cats

The real gentleman is the one who always calls a spade a spade. Even when he trips over it and falls. By Marcel Achard

If you want to write, have cats. By Aldous Huxley

Bosses are like cats in a litter box. Instinctively, they stir everything to hide what they have done. From Scott Adams

There are two ways to forget about life's worries, music and cats. By Albert Schweitzer

As anyone who has seen them at all well knows, cats show infinite patience with the limits of the human mind. From Cleveland Amory

The wonderful thing about a cat is that there is nothing to do when it comes to you, but to look at it. By Annie Duperey

I wish in my house: A woman having her reason, A cat passing among the books, Friends in all seasons. Without which I cannot live. By Guillaume Apollinaire

The smallest feline is a work of art. By Leonardo da Vinci

When I wake up my cat, he looks grateful for the one given the opportunity to go back to sleep. By Michel Audiard

Who loves a cat loves all cats. Who loves his dog does not love others. By Roland Topor

People dare to ask me who has a dog, a cat, a turtle, two children, a wife and several mothers-in-law if I like animals. By Michel Audiard

A cat will never drown if it sees the bank. By Francis Bacon

The ideal of calm is in a sitting cat. By Jules Renard

Once her children are married, the mother takes care of herself by raising cats. From Ahmad Bahgat

Better to raise your mind than Siamese cats. By Francis Blanche

A dog, a cat is a heart with hair around it. By Brigitte Bardot

We never choose a cat, he chooses you. By Philippe Ragueneau

I gave my youth and my beauty to men; I give my wisdom and experience to animals. By Brigitte Bardot

The cat could very well be man's best friend, but he would never deign to recognize it. By Doug Larson

Dogs have masters, cats have servants. By Dave Barry

Cats are smart and know they are. De Tomi Ungerer

If I die before my cat, I want some of my ashes to be spread over his food so that I can live in him. By Drew Barrymore

The cat is absolutely honest: Human beings, for one reason or another, hide their feelings. Cats, no. By Ernest Hemingway

The Chinese see the time in the eyes of cats. By Charles Baudelaire

The true gentleman is the one who always calls a spade a spade even when he stumbles on it and falls. By Jean Delacour

But let his voice calm down or growl. It is still rich and deep. This is its charm and its secret. By Charles Baudelaire

The silence of cats is contagious. By Annie Duperey

The cat is absolutely honest: human beings, for one reason or another, hide their feelings. Cats don't. By Francis Blanche

It seems that cats can guess the idea that descends from the brain to the beak of the feather and that, stretching out its paw, they would like to seize it in the process. By Théophile Gautier

Gypsies, stray cats and hollyhocks know something about the Eternal that we no longer know. From Christian Bobin

Little by little, cats become the soul of the house. By Jean Cocteau.

You can't trust anyone. Cats are something else. Once they accept you into their life, it's forever. By André Brink

In the beginning, God created Man, but seeing him so weak, he gave him the cat. By Warren Eckstein

The cat is an unfaithful servant who is only kept out of necessity. By Georges-Louis Buffon

Curiosity is the essential basis of education, and if you tell me that curiosity killed the cat, I will simply answer you that the cat died with nobility. By Arnold Edinborough

Cat Hatred reflects an ugly, stupid, boorish, fanatic mind. There can be no compromise with this Ugly Spirit. By William Burroughs

People who love cats are the ones with the biggest hearts. By Susan Easterly

With the expression, having other fish to fry, strangely enough, the SPA never lodged a complaint. By Damien Caillaud

We don't own a cat, he's the one who owns you. By Françoise Giroud

To my knowledge, the Cat remains the only animal whose emotions can be read through the orientation of the ears, pupils and tail beats. By Anne Calife

The cat does not caress us, it caresses us. By Antoine Rivarol

Against the fabric, the Cat slept, in a white loop, in the center of the circle formed by its tail and its head. And her misshapen belly, deported towards the ceiling, marked a silent disapproval. By Anne Calife

People who love cats are often cautious. By Annie Duperey

When the barometer passes its paw behind the ear, the cat is in the rain. By Léo Campion

It is enough to cross his gaze with that of a cat to measure the depth of the enigmas that each glitter of his eyes poses to the brave humans that we are. By Jacques Laurent

Cats fear water, which is why they prefer to sunbathe. By Stéphane Caron

Cats know very well who loves them and who doesn't, but they don't care too much to remedy them. By Winifred Carriere

I have studied philosophers and cats a lot. The wisdom of cats is infinitely superior. By Hippolyte Taine

You might say, a cat is skin! Not at all ! A cat is the very spell, the tact on the air. From Louis-Ferdinand Celine

God invented the cat so that man has a tiger to stroke at home. By Victor Hugo

After being castrated, most often by his mistress, the cat will be stroked by her the rest of his life. By Louis-Ferdinand Celine

The difference between a dog and a cat: The dog thinks: they feed me, they protect me, they must be gods. The cat thinks: they feed me, they protect me, I must be god. By Ira Lewis

Cats threatened by fire too much end up throwing themselves into the water. By Louis-Ferdinand Celine


What better gift than the love of a cat? By Charles Dickens

Dogs all regard you with reverence. Cats look at you all with disdain. It is only pigs who see you as their equals. From Winston Churchill

You say you love flowers and you cut their tails, you say you love dogs and you put a leash on them, you say you love birds and you put them in a cage, you say you love dogs and you put a leash on them, you say you love birds and you put them in a cage, you say you m love me then I'm afraid. By Jean Cocteau

I love cats because there are no police cats. By Jean Cocteau

If I prefer cats to dogs, it's because there is no police cat. By Jean Cocteau

All cats are mortal, Socrates is mortal, therefore Socrates is a cat. From Eugene Ionesco

I love cats because I love my house. And that they gradually become the visible soul. By Jean Cocteau

The cat is by our side the warm, hairy, mustached and purring memory of a lost paradise. De Léonor Fini When you

hang out with cats, you only risk getting rich. By Sidonie-Gabrielle Colette

Cats seem to have the principle that it can't hurt to ask what you want. By Joseph Wood Krutch

Time spent with a cat is never wasted. By Sidonie-Gabrielle Colette

Cats are made to store caress. By Stéphane Mallarmé

There is no such thing as an ordinary cat. By Sidonie-Gabrielle Colette

There is no need for sculpture in a house where there is a cat. By Wesley Bates

The cat exercises its vigilance where no one can see it: in its heart. From Qiu Confucius

Those who hate cats will return their next life in the form of mice. By Faith Resnick

Lullaby Let's fall asleep, little black cat. Here I put the snuffer On the candle. You will think of birds in the woods, of feline muzzles ... Me dreaming of Her. We have not had coffee, And, in our warm bed (Who watches cries.) We will sleep, paws in arms. While you purr, I'll forget the time. Before your eyes… By Charles Cros

My pain will be over when I find a cat for my companion. By Ahmad Ibn Faris

When a cat does something, we call it instinct. If we do the same thing, for the same reason, it is called intelligence. De Will Cuppy

If we could cross the man and the cat, it would improve the man, but it would degrade the cat. By Mark Twain

When a cat places its trust in a man, it is its greatest gift. By Charles Darwin

The cat is not bound to live by the laws of the lion. De Spinoza

Happiness is like a cat, if you try to cuddle it, it runs away from you, if you don't take care of it, it rubs against your legs and jumps on your knees. From Robertson Davies

Those who play with cats should expect to be scratched. By Miguel de Cervantès

For the sensitive man, it is a privilege to share a room with a cat, to meet his eyes, to feel him rub against his legs. De Desmond Morris

A house without a cat is an aquarium without fish. By Jean-Louis Hue

In a fire, between a Rembrandt and a cat, I would save the cat. By Alberto Giacometti

I like in the cat this independent and almost ungrateful character which makes it become attached to no one, and this indifference with which it passes from the salons to its native channels. By François-René de Chateaubriand

There are beauties that exceed the vocabulary. Cats belong to this order. De Louis Nucéra

We talk to a woman, we say sentences to her knowing full well that she does not understand, as we talk to a dog or a cat. By Edmond de Goncourt

Cats are there to teach us that on earth, not everything is useful. By Garrison Keillor

I have retained a reasoned aversion to cooked meat and it has always been difficult for me not to see in the butcher's stall something like that of the executioner. By Alphonse de Lamartine

Deep inside us, we are all motivated by the same emergencies. Cats have the courage to live without worrying about it. By Jim Davis

We don't have two hearts, one for humans, the other for animals… We have heart or we don't. By Alphonse de Lamartine

Cats were created in our world to refute the dogma that all things were created to serve man. De Froquevielle

Cats are like paper, it crumples very quickly. By Guy de Maupassant

Melancholy is a lost cat that we think has been found. By Léo Ferré

Nothing is softer, nothing gives the skin a more delicate, more refined, more rare sensation than the warm and vibrant dress of a cat. By Guy de Maupassant

Cats are lucky: the dark doesn't prevent them from reading. By Louis Scutenaire

When I play with my cat, who knows if he isn't playing with me more than I am with him? By Michel de Montaigne

If you are worthy of his affection, a cat will become your friend but never your slave. By Théophile Gautier

We love animals because they don't lie. This is why man enslaved them: they reminded him of the truth. De Henry de Montherlant

You become responsible forever for what you have tamed. By Antoine de Saint-Exupéry



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