
How much do the first vaccines cost for your kitten?


In addition to the happiness that this gives you, welcoming a new kitten to your home will require you to make significant expenses, especially for the purchase of equipment, and especially for health care.

Regarding the health care of your little furball, vaccination is a particularly recommended step, and even mandatory and inevitable, if you want to take out insurance.

In the following, you will find everything you need to know about the expenses relating to the vaccination of your kitten.

Kitten vaccines when and why?

Although French regulations do not impose anything in this area, you are strongly advised to protect it from many serious and very contagious diseases. The kitten vaccine must be done as soon aspossible,but from the8th week of existence of the little feline, particularly against diseases like typhus, coryza and leukemia (if your cat goes out a lot).

If you plan to travel outside of France with your cat, you will be required to have a rabies vaccine. Note that the rabies vaccine can be done from the age of 12 weeks. Obviously, after the first vaccination of the kitten, do not forget to respect the reminders, by scrupulously following the vaccination schedule.

The prices of vaccines for the kitten

After the first vaccination, a first reminder must be made 3 to 5 weeks later, after which the reminders will be done every year

Count, in addition to the veterinary consultation fee, 10 to 25 euros additional (per vaccine), depending on the type of vaccine chosen (vaccine prices are not the same).

Thus, when your kitten arrives at home, you should allow between 120 and 160 euros to ensure its complete vaccination during the first year.


How to get your kitten vaccinated for free?

The costs of vaccinating cats are relatively high, like the price of many other vet procedures.

Fortunately, you can have some of these medical costscovered by taking out cat insurance. Indeed, even as vaccination is a mandatory condition to register your cat for a mutual health insurance, these institutions can cover part of the expenses related to vaccination (consultation + vaccine + injection) in the form of a prevention package. Other insurances still, do not cover the first vaccine, but assure you the full reimbursement of the expenses related to the recalls of the vaccines.

Compare Cat Insurance

However, note that all of this is generally valid if you take out insurance offers above the entry-level plan. Thus, for people with low incomes and unable to subscribe to adequate insurance, it is possible to go to a social assistance veterinary dispensary such as that of the animal assistance foundation.

Indeed, this foundation has 5 dispensaries spread across France (Paris, Bordeaux, Nice, Marseille and Toulon), which offer the most disadvantaged people care (consultation, radios, surgical operations, and especially vaccinations) for their animals. , and all for a fair reimbursement of operating costs.

To Learn More About Cat Vaccination

If you have more questions about preventative cat care you may be worried about, read on with these articles on your pet's health.

  • Why vaccinate your apartment cat?
  • Why vaccinate my cat if he goes outside?

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