
3 toys so your cat doesn't get bored while you're away!

3 toys so your cat doesn't get bored while you're away

Although a relatively independent animal, your cat needs your full attention from time to time. So if you are like the majority of us and you are away regularly, the morale of your cat may take a hit: he will be sad and bored!

Fortunately, there are simple solutions to remedy this: cat toys to brighten up their day.

So, to help you make your little feline forget your absence, this articleyou offers3 essential toys that will surely amaze him and entertain him for long hours (when he is not sleeping).

The flying butterfly

If for one reason or another your cat cannot have access to the outside (you live in an apartment, or the weather is bad, ...) thebutterfly toy will flyingbring him the same sensations as it would have. got a real outdoor butterfly. Indeed, it is a toy made of a plastic base carrying a steel wire on which is fixed a pretty butterfly at the end.

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  • Flying Butterfly Cat Toy 😻Flying Butterfly Toy

    € 27.99 € 16.99-39%

    Keep your cat active with the! Now is the time to find out what kind of hunter he is! Playful and fun, this game ...

    The toy being electric, the butterfly swings in all directions like a real butterfly, to the delight of your cat. Rest assured, as long as he doesn't feel like sleeping, your little feline will never tire of this butterfly, and will completely forget that you are not there.

    Spiral tower with balls

    Composed of a 3-level spiral and 3 balls of different colors, this toy allows you to kill two birds with one stone. Not only does it help you develop your cat's intelligence and stimulate his hunting instinct, but in addition it allows your cat to completely forget your absence. All you have to do is put this toy in a nice corner of your house, and your cat will be quick to spin the balls on the spiral.

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  • Spiral Tower Cat Toy with Balls

    € 33.95 € 23.99

    Curious and mischievous, wake up your cat's attention with this Spiral Ball Tower! All you need to do is simply lay this ...


    For all intents and purposes, the Spiral Tower is available in two different colors: orange and green. It's up to you to choose the one that best matches the theme of your interior design.

    Toy scratching post with ball - Playing and scratchingnatural

    As you know, cats arepredators. It is therefore essential for him to maintain his main hunting arsenal : his claws. So, if you offer him an accessory that will help him in this direction, know that the scratching posts will contribute enormously to his development. If in addition this scratching post, helping him to fill a vital need, also allows him to have fun and distraction, your cat can only be the happiest in the world.

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  • Adaptable Scratching Post to Protect Walls

    € 19.99

    Need a scratching post but you don't know where to put it? Here is the solution! This very clever scratching post has the ability to adapt itself wherever you ...

    The toy scratching post with ball is an accessory that achieves this result! Indeed, surrounded by a pierced tube revealing a rotating and moving ball when touched, this toy allows your furball to scratch each other while having fun, of course completely forgetting that you are not aren't around.

    Here are some toys that should make your cat happy, and even make you happy when you play with him. There are many ways to entertain your little furball as there are many ways to take care of it, the Boule-de-Poil site is another example of how to approach animals, different from Universe Cat.

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