
Which breed of cats to choose?

Which breed of cats to choose

You will soon take the big step and welcome a cat in your home, a ball of fur that will fill your life for many years to come.

You find them all more beautiful than the others and it is not easy to choose which one will be part of your family.

So which cat breeds are more or less suited to your situation and your habits?

What is a purebred cat?

We speak of a purebred cat when it meets the standards set by the Official Book of Feline Origins (LOOF). Your animal will be considered a purebred cat and therefore will only have a pedigree if it is registered in this book. A cat with a pedigree will also see its price increase depending on its lineage.

Even if your future cat is not registered and looks like two drops of water like a purebred cat, it will only be considered an appearance cat.

But he won't necessarily be an alley cat! And yes the alley cat is a very particular breed of cat, it is also called European cat.

Be reassured all the same, cats of appearances and not registered LOOF remain very very close to their registered congener, as well on the physical point as psychological.

Which breed of cat should I choose?

Obviously, you have to find your cat to be handsome and therefore match your physique expectations.

But ask yourself equally important questions like:

  • Are you looking for a calm or playful cat?
  • An independent, cuddly, discreet or exuberant cat?
  • Is your home suitable for this type of cat?

Thehabitat as well as the composition of the home is very important. For example, big cats like the Maine Coon, the Norwegian or British Longhair and Shorthair need space to play and go on an adventure and therefore a house. Conversely, Munchkin is a very small cat for whom an apartment will already be a very large area.

Even though the psychological characteristics vary from cat to cat, there is a great tendency in the temperament of cats. This point will influence the relationship you will have with your cat, it is important to know the character of the chosen cat breed.

For example the Persians are peaceful and non-invasive cats, it is a very well-known character trait of this breed and conversely the Chartreux is a very active cat.

12 cat breeds that will meet your expectationscat breeds that will meet your expectations

To help you, we present 12. There are others just as attractive to find in ourfile, cat breed but here is the selection of Univers Chat.

The playful cat breeds

The Turkish Angora

Supple and elegant, the Turkish angora is a real little athlete, it is a sociable and playful cat who likes to keep a little independence.

  • Character: Playful
  • Height: Average
  • height Particularity: A robust healthy cat.

The Abyssinian

Lively, impetuous and independent, a real feline of atypical beauty, it is a cat that requires a lot of attention.

  • Character: Playful
  • Height: Average
  • height Particularity: In addition to being playful, he is a very cuddly cat.

The Bengal

With his dress like a wild feline like the cheetah, the Bengal is a very active cat but also endowed with a great sensitivity to the mood of the people around him.

  • Character: Playful and curious
  • Size: Medium size
  • Particularity: A very friendly cat with strangers.

Calm and patient cat breeds

The Persian

Faithful friend of men for many centuries, the Persian is a majestic cat who will disturb you with his watchful gaze.

  • Character: Quiet
  • Size: Average size
  • Bust: Not very adventurous, it's a cat who prefer to stay insideloves.

the Sc ottish Fold

Particularly docile Sc ottish Fold although still very quiet cat who  play with his masters.

  • Character: Calm
  • Size: Medium size
  • Particularity: Cat with many qualities

The Ragdoll

A gentle giant, the Ragdoll is a cat that will be perfect for families with children, imposing but very affectionate.

  • Character: Calm
  • Size: Large size
  • Particularity: An excellent family cat.

Cuddly but independent cat breeds

The Maine Coon

One of the largest cat breeds in the world, he is a very independent cat who likes to snuggle up in the arms of his masters.

  • Character: Cuddly
  • Size: Large size
  • Particularity: A very kind cat with children.

The Norwegian


A cat who particularly likes to go for a walk outside, independent yes but will not miss an opportunity to cuddle you.

  • Character: Very independent but cuddly
  • Size: Large size
  • Particularity: A real hunter.

The Sacred of Burma A

very mysterious cat, the Sacred of Burma is a cat with sometimes enigmatic behavior but one thing is certain he likes cuddles.

  • Character: Calm and cuddly
  • Size: Large size
  • Particularity: A mysterious character that is not wild.

The communicative cat breeds


emblematicChart The Siamese is a cat who will love to communicate to you all his love for you. Or ask you to eat!

  • Character: Communicative
  • Size: Medium size
  • Particularity: A cat with a strong personality.

The Oriental The Oriental

cat is a cat who is very attached to his masters and he will make it clear to you.

  • Character: Communicative
  • Height: Average
  • height Particularity: A very quick-witted cat.

The Chartreux

Simple and refined, the Chartreux will not fail to express its desires to you. He is also a very robust cat with iron health.

  • Character: Communicative and Calm
  • Size: Average size
  • Particularity: A real home cat.


So what breed of cats will your love be with? Who will be your new companion? If you're looking for more information, check out Cat Breed for another take on our 4-legged friends.

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