
The British Shorthair: Character, education, health, price - The right cat for you

With his elegant and robust appearance, his great intelligence, his calm temperament, as well as his golden character, the British Shorthair, British iconic cat, is today a famous breed around the world. To date, with its nearly 2000 registrations, this animal is among the top 10 cat breeds registered in the Official Book of French Origins (LOOF). It is therefore a very popular cat for the French.

However, to be happy and fulfilled, this famous little furball needs a number of accessories, a minimum of care and a lot of affection from you. In the following, you will find everything you need to know about this iconic British cat, as well as all the good reasons to adopt it!

The British Shorthair in video

Who is the ideal cat for?

Medium-sized animal endowed with a very high intelligence, great adaptability, in addition to being very sociable, calm and attached to his master, the British Shorthair is a cat that supports both loneliness and the presence of children and other animals. So whether you live in an apartment or in a house with a garden, alone or with your family, with or without pets, the British Shorthair will suit you perfectly!

Do not hesitate to consult theguide cat breeds by Univers Chat.

Origin and history of the British Shorthair

Officially presented and for the first time at the LondonShow in 1871, Catthe British Shorthair is a breed of cat resulting from the careful selection of the most beautiful native English cats (those native cats who are said to be descendants cats from Italy and Portugal among others).

The 2 world wars having almost decimated the breed, to ensure the sustainability of the British Shorthair, the breeders had to resort to Persian contributions. Then, after the 1940s, contributions from other breeds were also made, notably Russian Blue, Chartreux and Burmese.

Physical characteristics of the British Shorthair

With a broad head with well rounded contours, the British Shorthair has a broad, short and straight nose, with a muzzle with rounded contours. Her eyes color always matching that of the dress are large, round and well apart from each other. It has ears varying in size from medium to small, which are broad in shape at the base and ending in a rounded tip.

With its sturdy frame and powerful musculature, the British Shorthair has a broad, thick and round body. Its limbs are somewhat shorter than the length of the body, with round, firm feet. Its tail, measuring 2/3 the length of its body, is thick at the base and ends with a rounded end.

Finally, the coat of the British Shorthair is short, dense and erect. With its supplied undercoat, its firm texture similar to that of a plush, it gives an impression of natural protection. From white to black, including chocolate, red, lilac, blue, tortie, colourpoints and many others, all coat colors are recognized. Note that blue is the most popular color.

Behavior of the British Shorthair

Endowed with great intelligence, the British Shorthair is a calm, affectionate, patient and very sociable cat. It adapts easily to all situations, which means that it accepts the presence of children as well as that of other animals (therefore perfect for family life). Note also that although independent, this British shorthair cat is also very attached to his master.

The health and care of the British Shorthair

Compared to most purebred cats, the British Shorthair is a particularly hardy cat. However, he has a predisposition to calcium oxalate stones affecting mainly males, as well as sterilized animals. Apart from that, this cat is exposed to diseases common to all cats.

This is the reason why you should take care of your British Shorthair like any shorthair cat, brushing it from time to time with a fine comb, especially during the moulting period (spring). Also remember to vaccinate, deworm and also treat your British Shorthair against fleas, ticks and lice. Finally, to stay in good health, the British Shorthair also needs a suitable diet.


Maintaining a British Shorthair, including veterinary expenses in the event of illness is very expensive. Note that as an independent and active animal, your British can venture outside and be the victim of an accident. In this case, the bill can reach thousands of euros. That is why to ensure the best possible health care for your British Shorthair, it is more than recommended that you purchase British Shorthair insurance.

Does the British Shorthair need specific food?

Purebred cats do not need specific food, and the British Shorthair is no exception. In other words, your British cat just needs a diet that fits all cats' strict carnivore diet.

This involves, among other things, providing a healthy diet for your little feline, without food supplements, cereals or any other product unsuitable for carnivores. Food should also have a specific level of mineral salts, in order to prevent the British Shorthair from developing kidney stones.

To be more precise, the ideal kibble for the British Shorthair should consist mainly of meat or fish (around 50%), have between 15 and 25% fat, between 1 and 3% calcium, 1% phosphorus and less than 0.1% magnesium. To avoid any risk of obesity, remember to ration your cat, respecting the doses adapted to its weight, as defined on the packaging of the kibble.

What budget to have a British Shorthair?

The purchase price of a British Shorthair can vary greatly from animal to animal. It depends on parameters such as the sex of the animal, its age, the quality and color of its coat, the quality of its pedigree, the reputation of the breeder and many others.

In general, the cost of acquiring a male British Shorthair varies between 450 and 2880 euros, while that of a female varies between 400 and 1700 euros. Once your cat has been purchased, you will also need to provide it with all the accessories necessary for its development.

The right accessories for the British Shorthair

To be happy and happy, the British Shorthair, like all cats, will need a number of accessories. These include, among other things, accessories for food and water (2 bowls or a kibble dispenser and a water fountain), a toilet, grooming accessories, toys, and not to mention the essential cat tree. As it is an independent animal, and if you live in a house with a garden, also consider installing a cat flap.

Note that all these accessories will be chosen taking into account that the British Shorthair is a medium sized animal weighing between 4 and 8 kg. They must therefore be perfectly adapted to its morphology and its weight.

Goodies for British Shorthair lovers


I adopt and educate my British Shorthair



ROYAL CANIN British shorthair kitten - 2 kg bag



British Shorthair kittens 2022 Calendar 16 Month: ...


Pictures of British Shorthair

British Shorthair on the bed

" Of 6 »

Where to adopt a British Shorthair?

The British Shorthair being a purebred cat recognized in the Official Book of Feline Origins, it is rare to cross it in kennels or cat shelters but it remains the best way to adopt an animal.

However, you can also buy this little furball in a cattery where you will find a British Shorthair that best suits your requirements in terms of quality and physical appearance is to go to a recognized breeder.

Finally, note that you can also get them from a private individual, but you are strongly recommended to deal with a relative rather than a stranger, in order to avoid any animal trafficking.



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