
How do I know if my cat is sick?

Seeing your cat sick is no fun, so if you think you are seeing the first signs of what looks like an incurable and instantly fatal disease, don't go to the vet right away for no real reason.

Let's take a moment together to understand and possibly interpret the signs and symptoms of a disease in cats. Each correctly identified sign is information that you can bring to the veterinarian to help him diagnose, some symptoms are very visible while others require you to observe his daily behavior.

The first abnormal signs: Observe the cat's behavior


The first signs which show that an adult cat or kitten is sick are often hardly noticeable, and generally only the owner of the animal can detect them.

His behavior is unusual

If your cat is usually playful and particularly very active, and overnight he becomes limp, isolates himself, this should alert you.

In the same way that if you observe unusual meowing, abnormal aggressiveness with biting, in short a sudden change in the behavior of your hairball, this is one of the first signs alerting you that there is a problem. .

His Eating Habits Are Different

If you notice a change in the eating habits of your little feline, this is often a sign that he is suffering from an illness. Indeed, if your cat suddenly starts to eat a lot more than usual overnight, or on the contrary eats a lot less (or altogether more at all), or if you notice the first signs of dehydration , take this very seriously.

His Appearance Has Changed

If your cat is unwell, you may notice a sudden change in appearance, related to his coat or weight. Indeed, a sick cat often stops self-grooming by licking, which has a direct impact on the condition of its skin and, in turn, the appearance of its coat.

Thus, dry, tangled, oily, brief, unusual hairs are generally a sign of a pathology. In addition, you may also notice a pronounced weight loss or excessive weight gain.

Her temperature is abnormal

The normal temperature of a healthy cat is between 38 and 39 ° C. So if you suspect that you are sick and want one more sign, take a temperature check to see if your cat has a fever. If her temperature is below 37.5 ° C or above 40 ° C, it is obvious that your cat is not doing well. In this case, you will need to go to a veterinarian immediately.

The appearance of more noticeable symptoms

In addition to the first signs described above, which are often not very noticeable if you are not paying attention, there are also many more noticeable signs that show that your little feline is sick. These include digestive, respiratory, motor, etc.

disordersDigestive disorders

If your cat vomits frequently, suffers from diarrhea or has unusual-looking excrement, it is obvious that he is suffering from gastrointestinal disorders. This can be due to an infestation of parasitic worms, or to poisoning following the ingestion of a toxic product.

Respiratory problems

If you notice symptoms in kitty such as a runny nose, sneezing, coughing, wheezing or snoring,…, it is obvious that your cat is suffering from a respiratory problem. It could be an allergy, feline asthma, or even the dreaded extremely contagious disease called coryza (unless your cat is vaccinated against this disease).

Musculoskeletal Disorders

If you notice that your cat has an unusual gait, limps, has difficulty jumping and even moving, it is possible that he is injured or has a fracture. This often follows a fight with fellow animals or other animals, an insect bite, or even an abscess. In any case, these signs show that it is urgent to go to a veterinarian.


Urinary System Dysfunction

If your cat starts meowing and goes back and forth to her litter box, check to see if she can urinate. If he can no longer, it means that he is suffering from a urinary obstruction. This is usually due to cystitis or urinary stones. In any case, you will need to consult a veterinarian urgently, because your cat's vital prognosis is in jeopardy.

In conclusion…

If you observe any unusual behavior, appearance or anything else on your little feline, it is possible that he is sick. You are therefore strongly advised to consult a veterinarian as soon as possible upon discovery of these anomalies.

Take advantage of the usual care times to inspect your cat, especially when you take care of the nose or when you take care of the cat's ears.

As we often say: " prevention is better than cure ". In other words, it is better to prevent diseases than to wait for them to manifest themselves to fight them and finally describe its end of life.

Thus, it is recommended that you regularly consult a feline health professional for a health check-up of your animal. Also remember to deworm your cat regularly, to treat it against external parasites (fleas, ticks, lice) and of course to have it vaccinated.



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