
The arrival of a cat at home is always a particularly happy and exciting time. It also requires the taking of some preliminary precautions such as the purchase of the appropriate equipment to ensure the development of the small feline, but also to ensure that the animal will always be in good health.

Veterinary fees for cats


In fact, to grow up and live in good health, your cat must receive a minimum of veterinary care, both preventive and curative. In order to avoid unpleasant surprises, it is therefore essential for you to master or at least to have an idea of ​​the various prices linked to veterinary care.

In the following, this article presents everything you need to know to plan a suitable health budget for your cata health insurance plan if you do not havefor your cat.

Plan ahead to limit the veterinarian's costs

To avoid bad surprises later on, you must, as soon as you acquire a kitten, know all the costs relating to the veterinary care of your little animal throughout its life. What you need to know is that a cat's life expectancy is around 12 years, so be prepared for health expenses both preventively and curatively for at least the next 12 years.

Note that from birth, the cat needs preventive care such as vaccination, to protect it from serious, extremely dangerous and potentially fatal diseases such as typhus, coryza, leukosis and rabies.

In addition, it must be dewormed and follow an external antiparasitic treatment, which will protect it on the one hand from internal parasites (worms) and on the other hand from external parasites (fleas, ticks, lice). Finally, your cat will need to be sterilized.

In addition to expenses related to preventive and essential care, you must also prepare for the possible expenses related to illnesses, accidents and other unforeseen events. In any case, be aware that the costs relating to the health of your little animal will increase as it grows.

It is therefore strongly recommended that you take out cat health insurance, which will cover almost all of these costs, and will therefore allow you to considerably reduce your expenses.

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Veterinary expenses for prevention and essential care

It is always easier and even more profitable to prevent a disease than to cure it. This is the reason why, as mentioned above, the essential health costs for your cat are those having mainly a preventive role. These include the costs of routine visits, vaccination, deworming and sterilization.


So, note that the costs of a routine consultation with a veterinarian are around 30 - 50 euros. As it is recommended that you make 1 to 2 annual visits, you must therefore book 60 to 100 euros per year. For cat vaccines, and depending on the diseases chosen, count between 60 and 80 euros in annual expenses, with double the first year of vaccination (since the first vaccination booster takes place the same year, about 1 month after the primary vaccination) .

You must also plan at least 20 euros per year, for expenses related to kitty deworming.

And finally, for the sterilization of your cat, allow around 70 euros if it is a male and 120 - 150 euros if it is a female.

To summarize with regard to the veterinary costs of prevention and essential care

  • Routine consultation: 30 to 50 €
  • Vaccination: 60 to 80 €
  • Deworming: 20 €
  • Antipuce and anti-tick: 20 €
  • Castration male cat: 70 €
  • Castration female cat: 120 - 150 €
  • Consultation of a behaviorist: 90 € to 250 €

Veterinary expenses related to diseases

Expenses relating to the treatment of cat diseases represent 75% of the health budget!

Indeed, the costs associated with consultations, examinations, analyzes, operations and care to treat illnesses are truly high. The diseases frequently affecting cats are digestive disorders, skin conditions, allergies, urinary problems, and even cancer.

The costs of laboratory analysis vary between 50 and 100 euros. To treat your cat for a disease of the digestive system such as mild gastroenteritis, count around 80 euros. On the other hand, allow 120 euros for the management of a dermatological condition, and sometimes up to 250 euros (in quarterly package), to treat an allergy. If your little animal suffers from cancer, the bill will be 500 - 600 euros for the removal of the tumor, in addition to the 1,200 to 1,500 euros for the costs of radiotherapy sessions.

To summarize with regard to veterinary costs related to diseasesdisease

  • Laboratory analyzes and blood tests: 50 to 100 €
  • Dermatological: 120 €
  • Treatment of an allergy in quarterly package: 250 €
  • Benign gastroenteritis: 80 €
  • Otitis: 90 €
  • Ablation of cysts: € 190
  • Removal of a tumor: € 500
  • Radiotherapy sessions: from € 1,200 to € 1,500

Veterinary expenses related to accidents

Accidents are completely unforeseen events, and can therefore happen at any time, especially when you have no money ! This is why we reiterate the importance of purchasing health insurance for your cat. The expenses after an accident of your animal most often relate to the cost of the surgical intervention, the hospitalization and the rehabilitation of the cat.

For example, for a surgical operation following a fracture, the veterinary costs vary from 200 to 500 euros. Count around 800 to 1,500 euros for a surgical intervention on the cruciate ligaments and the related rehabilitation sessions. Finally, depending on the city and the clinics, the daily hospital costs are between 10 and 50 euros.

To summarize with regard to veterinary costs related to accidents

  • Emergency consultation: 50 to 100 €
  • Surgery, anesthesia and hospitalization: 300 to 1,500 €
  • Hospitalization: 10 to 50 € / day



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