
7 Tips to Keep Cats Out of Your Garden and Vegetable Garden


Whether you own a cat or not, to keep a cat away from your garden and your vegetable patch, there are a plethora of tips that are as simple as they are effective. The list is long, which is why we've shortened it for you, to make it a bit easier for you and to quickly find the solution that's right for you.

Below you will find our selection of the 7 best tips to keep cats away from your green spaces, as well as various tips and recommendations to easily implement them.

The 7 simplest tips to keep cats away from your gardens and vegetable gardens

Having a cat at home and keeping a garden in good condition is absolutely possible! You just need to follow the following few tips to cohabit with the cat or to make repellents to keep cats away.

Protect the garden with a fence

Nature lovers, domestic cats consider the garden to be a true paradise. The golden rule for keeping these felines away from your vegetable garden is first to protect it. To do this, you just need to install a fence with barbed wire, so as to surround your garden. On the first attempt, the barbs of the wire will sting all adventurous cats enough to deter them from returning.

Using Ultrasonic Repellents

This is one of the most popular and popular tips, because it has not only been proven to work, but also because it is a modern solution. Cats tolerate sounds up to a certain frequency, a threshold beyond which these sounds become harmful to them. So, you just need to place one or more ultrasonic repellents in your garden and your vegetable patch to protect them from cats.


Indeed, functioning analogically, ultrasound repellents have a radar which, when the tomcat approaches, triggers the emission of ultrasound via integrated speakers (and sometimes in combination with flashing lights), this that scares the little feline away.

Use natural repellents

To keep a cat away from your vegetable patch and your garden, you can resort to some grandmother's tips. It's about making repellents using natural ingredients commonly found in the home such as lemon, white vinegar, black pepper, essential oils, and many more.

You can for example spray white vinegar on your plants, or soak it on a cotton cloth or old newspapers that you will have in the vegetable garden. You can also mix 5 tablespoons of crushed fresh black pepper and a tablespoon of mustard in water, which you will bring to a boil. Once the mixture cools it turns out to be a powerful natural cat repellant.

Plant repellent plants

With their keen sense of smell, cats are very sensitive to smells, even the smallest ones, and some smells completely bother them. Nature is endowed with a great variety of plants whose scent naturally scares cats. For example, you can plant Rue Officinale or Coléus in your vegetable garden and the cat will not pass by.

Likewise, some plants have physical elements that repel cats. Chestnut and holly, for example, have spines that sting a cat's paws if it steps on it. Plant it around your garden.

Water the vegetable garden especially in the evening

The night vision of cats makes them particularly active at night. Luckily, most cats hate water. Watering your plants in the evening is therefore very practical to keep cats away from your vegetable patch or garden. Since cats especially like to keep their paws dry, if the soil in the garden and the plants are wet, they will not venture there.

Create a space for it

One of the most effective ways to guarantee a perfect cohabitation is to make compromises. If your little feline likes to bask in the natural setting of your garden, it may be that he has not found better elsewhere to have fun and soak up the sun.

In this case, to prevent kitty from damaging your plants, providing him with a space conducive to his outdoor development would be an effective solution. Take, for example, a small piece of land and plant your favorite herbs in it.

Plant the Cat's Favorite Plants

Another tip for keeping cats' eyes out of your garden is to grow some of their favorite herbs. He will be happy with it and will avoid harming your vegetable garden. Choose plants like heather, aromatic plants, baby food or catnip.

Why are neighbor's cats not necessarily welcome in the vegetable garden?

The neighbor's cats are not welcome in the vegetable garden because, in addition to the damage they can cause to your plants, they may cause urine marking, and even leave droppings. As a result, your vegetable garden will be inundated with disgusting and persistent odors, which is quite annoying, especially if you also have to manage the damage of your own cat. But don't be fatalistic there is always a trick to warding off a cat.



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