9 Tips that work to keep your cat’s litter box from stinking

9 Tips that work to keep your cat's litter box from stinking

9 Tips that work to keep your cat's litter box from stinking


A litter that stinks can be very inconvenient and unpleasant for you as for the health of your little feline and for your guests. Fortunately, the solutions to protect you against bad litter odors or neutralize them lie in small, simple and effective tips that you will have no trouble putting into practice.

To give you all the help you need, below are 9 proven tips that work to prevent your cat's litter box from smelling too strong.

Choose a good quality litter

The choice of the type of cat litter is decisive in the prevention and the fight against bad odors. Depending on the type of material, you will find 3 types of cat litter on the market, but not all of them are created equal: mineral litter, vegetable litter and silica litter.

In any case, to make up your mind easily, you must take into account the power of absorption of urine and the ability to effectively neutralize odors. In general, we recognize more absorption power in vegetable litter than in mineral litter, and silica litters are the most efficient on the market, but are also the most expensive.

At Univers Cat we recommend vegetable cat litter such as Cat's Best OkoPlus litter, which we use for our little Tourim.

Don't skimp on the maintenance of your cat's litter box

Neglecting the maintenance of your cat's litter box is the best way to attract bad odors. Do not wait for the diffusion of odors in your rooms to think of maintaining it. Simple actions applied with relative frequency will prevent you from having a stinky litter. Collect your feline's droppings daily using a suitable shovel.

Consider changing your cat's litter frequently

Whether you use vegetable, mineral or silica litter, you must remember to replace your cat's litter at the right time and especially remove the bulk of waste regularly. Litter boxes cease to be effective after a certain period of time (defined by the manufacturer) and must be changed to prevent odors from proliferating.


You should change them more or less regularly depending on how often your cat is used, at least once a week.

Invest in a toilet house equipped with a carbon filter or automatic

Better suited than a litter box simply left in the open air, cat toilet houses have the advantage of offering the discretion your feline needs and to be closed. This makes it possible to confine odors and limit their diffusion. In addition, they are most of the time equipped with a carbon filter which absorbs and neutralizes bad odors.

Another alternative is also to choose a self-cleaning litter box, it is a radical solution to get rid of litter chores and odors, you just have to empty the tank in the trash can and you're done.

Find the ideal location for the litter box

Finally, the position of your cat's toilet house is also decisive for an optimal functioning of the litter box and better odor management. Avoid setting it up in a confined space that is difficult to access, especially not near its food or water, in which case your cat will risk relieving its needs elsewhere. On the other hand, you must place it in a spacious, well ventilated or ventilated place, where your cat can relieve himself without constraint.


Baking soda and white vinegar, two natural and effective deodorants

Among the many recognized virtues of these two natural products is their deodorizing power. Used wisely, sodium bicarbonate is very effective at absorbing and neutralizing litter odors. All you need to do is mix a small amount of baking soda with your cat's litter box.

As for white vinegar, it is just as effective against the most stubborn bad odors, although less pleasant to use because of its strong odor. Use white vinegar when cleaning to wipe down the bottom of the litter box and the bad odors will dissipate.

Use odor destroyers

If you prefer a more pleasant and relatively fragrant method while remaining as effective as white vinegar, then using cat urine odor eliminators is the solution for you. .

More effective than regular deodorants that simply mask odors, odor destroyers are cleaning products that help you effectively remove pet odors and bad litter odors. In addition, they contain active substances that stop the proliferation of bacteria responsible for bad odors.

Available in the form of vaporizers, there is a very varied range with different scents to choose from according to your preferences.

Opt for a diet that conforms to your feline's natural diet.

A smelly litter box is also often the result of poor nutrition. Low-end kibble or treats, foods containing chemicals, or ingredients that are unsuitable for your cat's natural diet will tend to cause very strong-smelling stools. A return to a quality diet that conforms to your cat's strict carnivore diet will correct the problem, head for grain-free kibble for example.

Eat Well for Better Transit

Try the Cat Litter Bag

This simple and effective trick is to get a waterproof cat litter bag that you will then place on your feline's litter box. Preventing the litter from coming into contact with the surface of the tray, the bag will retain the droppings so that they do not become encrusted on the tray. Then it will be more convenient for you to empty the bag to get rid of it. Until you can invest in buying a suitable bag, you can always try with a plastic bag.

Bonus: Teaching your cat to use the bathroom

Sound strange to you? But it is possible, it is the ultimate trick to solve these stories of stinky litter, no longer having litter but a cat that is going to do its business in the toilet. It is quite possible to teach your cat to toilet use the toilet.

There are also kits to teach your cat to do its business in the toilet, at first the thing is fun to set up and you quickly realize the principle for the cat to pee in the toilet.

On the other hand, to flush it is another story, we do not know of a master who has yet succeeded!

And you, what are your tips for the sink that the smell of litter does not invade you?



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