What to Know About Pet Travel Insurance
Insurance and medical expenses for your cat on vacation, what you need to know!
You plan to go on vacation with your cat and want to be reassured that he will be well covered by his health insurance in the event of a problem!
Please note that in general, the coverage conditions are simple and clearly mentioned in your cat insurance contract. However, also note that these conditions can vary considerably depending on whether you are going on vacation with your cat in your country of residence or in another country or depending on the situation.
Let's look at the important points to observe to guarantee the best health coverage for your little feline during your holidays and especially to avoid all the administrative hassles.
Everything you need to know about these details can be found in your cat insurance contract
Like any contract, cat health insurance contracts are made to be as precise and detailed as possible, and it is often for that they are so long. Thus, all the details relating to the services offered and the conditions of cover for your pet are mentioned there.
Your contract should therefore be your first recourse to find out exactly what is covered, what is not, the conditions, the reimbursement procedures, etc ... And if you have chosen your cat mutual, you will know how stick to it, and if your contract no longer corresponds, consider seeing this comparison of mutuals for cat.
Important points to check and understand to protect your cat on vacation
Of course, contracts can sometimes take a long time to go through and it is easy to get lost between the unusual jargon and the overload of information that is not necessarily important or priority. In any case, we strongly advise you to look first at the information relating to the extent of your cover and the liability incurred in the event of damage.
Are you covered with all vets?
Holidays in your country of residence
If you live in France and are still traveling to France, generally in the majority of contracts, there is no compulsory veterinarian. This means that you can have your cat seen by any veterinarian in the area and be reimbursed for your veterinary expenses as usual.
Holidays outside your country of residence On the
other hand, if you want to travel to a foreign country with your 4-legged companion, with most insurers, the contracts do not offer cover abroad. It is therefore advisable in these cases to turn to an option or additional insurance in the country of destination which increases the cost of the cat's insurance.
However, note that this situation is changing in France, and new insurers such as SantéVet are offering insurance formulas with veterinary costs covered abroad. But this of course provided that your cat fulfills all the conditions required to enter the country of destination.
Civil liability in the event of damage by your cat
In France, when your cat causes damage to a third party or to material goods belonging to a third party, it is the civil liability of the person in charge of his care which is engaged. For example, if you had entrusted your cat to a pension, it is the civil liability of the pension which is engaged.
Generally this insurance is in the home contract, but also possibly in the insurance for cats. It is therefore necessary to recheck your contract. Also, you have to be very vigilant, because some insurers do not cover all of the damage caused.
Regarding the cover in the event of travel outside your country of residence, here too, you will have to check what your cat mutual insurance contract says, but it is a safe bet that there is no specific coverage and whether you need to turn to an additional option or other private insurance.
Do not hesitate to inquire with your insurer!
Even if your insurance contract should be as specific as possible, some very difficult situations may not be stipulated in the contract. So, if you have any concerns, do not hesitate to contact your insurer.
It is your right and the duty of your insurer to inform you and dispel all your doubts. In addition, it will only take you a few minutes.