How to Deworm a Cat or a Kitten? [Parasite Cleanse]

Best Cat Dewormer - How to Deworm Your Cat and Avoid Parasites?

Cat Dewormer

By playing outside, consuming infected prey, or even coming into contact with your shoes or clothing, your cat can catch parasitic worms at any time. As you will have understood, the risk of infestation of your cat by worms is permanent.

When your hairball is infested and not treated quickly, the worms can migrate from its digestive tract to other organs, creating lesions that can be fatal.

Fortunately, to avoid this critical scenario, it is sufficient toperiodically administer a good dewormer to your cat. To guide you in your choice of the ideal internal parasiticide, this article offers you some practical advice, as well as a selection of the best dewormers on the market.

Why deworm your cat?

The worms infesting the cat will settle in its body, feeding on its blood and its food. Over time, they can cause significant and irreversible damage to the cat's organs, which can cause death. Thus, the first reason why you must imperatively and regularly deworm your cat is to preserve his health.

In addition, most of these worms infesting cats are transmissible to humans, with serious consequences for their health. Indeed, some worms transmitted by cats can be found in your intestines, under your skin, in your eyes, and even in your liver!

So you must ensure the regular deworming of your little feline to protect you and your children from possible contamination.

Which dewormer for cats to choose and buy in pharmacies?

Dewormers and antiparasitics are easily found in online pharmacies, which is perfect when you know that neighborhood pharmacies do not stock this type of product. Moreover, this is why we necessarily added a link to an official pharmacy.

You will find 3 main forms of dewormer for cats on the market:

  • Tablet
  • products Pipette
  • products Syrup products

Tablets and syrups are for oral use and are very effective. Their only downside is that it can sometimes be difficult to administer them to the cat (but using the right technique it works fine).

Pipettes are for external use (are put on the skin of the neck of the cat) and are also very effective. However, they are still little used and few pharmaceutical companies manufacture really effective.

Vermifuge for cats in tablet


Vermifuge Drontal Chat de Bayer - 2 tablets

Consisting mainly of Pyrantel in the form of embonate and Praziquantel, the Drontal Vermifuge tablets for cats have been specially designed to eliminate all types of intestinal worms. This dewormer is particularly effective against tapeworms and roundworms. It is to be used for cats weighing more than 1 kg.

Precaution for use

Milbemax Tab Elanco dewormer for cats

Milbemax Tab dewormer from ELANCO laboratories is known to be very effective in ridding kittens and cats of internal parasites such as roundworms (cestodes) and flatworms (nematodes). It is also indicated for the prevention of heartworm disease (Dirofilaria immitis). All this thanks to its 2 active substances, Milbemycin oxime and Praziquantel. Obviously, the mode of administration is oral, and is done in one take.

Depending on the age and weight of your cat, you will find 2 versions of this product: one for adult cats weighing more than 2 kg, and the other suitable for kittens and small cats from 0.5 to 2 kg.


Milbemax Tab Dewormer for adult cats

In other words, for your adult cat over 2 kg, opt for the Milbemax Tab dewormer version for cats over 2 kg - box of 2 tablets. The dosage is as follows: if your cat weighs between 2 and 4 kg, half a tablet administered in a single dose will suffice. Between 4 and 8 kg, you will need a whole tablet, and between 8 and 12 kg, you will need a tablet and a half to treat kitty. Note that unlike some dewormers, this antiparasitic medication can be used to treat breeding, lactating and even pregnant cats.


Milbemax Tab Dewormer Young Cat and Kitten

To treat your kitten or small cat weighing less than 2 kg but weighing more than half a kilogram, you will obviously need the Milbemax Tab Vermifuge for kitten and small cat version of 0.5 to 2 kg - box of 2 tablets. If the little tomcat weighs less than a kilogram, half a tablet will be enough to rid it of parasitic worms. If on the other hand it weighs more than a kilogram, it will take 1 whole tablet.

Milbetel dewormer, Biocanina laboratories

Thanks to its 2 active ingredients, Milbemycin oxime and Praziquantel, this product is indicated in the treatment of your cat against an invasion of parasitic worms, flat worms as well as round worms, immature or adults. Each box contains 2 film-coated tablets, flavored with meat, to facilitate ingestion by the cat.

The deworming Milbetel is available in 2 distinct versions: one for cats over 2 kg and the other for cats under 2 kg and kittens over 6 weeks old.


Biocania Milbetel Dewormer for cats over 2kg

Thus, for your cat over 2 kg, the version to administer is Milbetel dewormer 16 mg / 40 mg - for cats (which contains 2 tablets). The minimum recommended dose is 2 mg of milbemycin oxime and 5 mg of praziquantel per kilogram of the cat. Thus, for a cat weighing 2 to 4 kg, you need half a tablet. If on the other hand the tomcat weighs between 4 and 8 kg, he needs 1 whole tablet, and so on…


Biocania Milbetel Dewormer for small cats and kittens

To deworm your kitten over 6 weeks old and weighing less than 2 kg, you should opt for the Milbetel deworming version 4 mg / 10 mg - for small cats and kittens. The minimum recommended dose is the same as for large cats (i.e. 2 mg milbemycin oxime and 5 mg praziquantel per kilogram of the cat), but only the tablet format is different. In any case, if your cat weighs less than a kilogram, you should give him half a tablet to get rid of the worms. If he weighs more than a kilogram, he will need 1 whole tablet.

Pipette dewormer for cats

As mentioned previously, pipette dewormers are still quite rare these days. If you are looking for a good dewormer, try Bayer's Profender spot-on cats, which is arguably one of the best on the market. It is indicated for deworming medium cats weighing 2.5 to 5 kg, both effective against roundworms and tapeworms, in particular thanks to its active and antiparasitic substances which are praziquantel, emodepside and butylhydroxyanisole.

Using as a classic pipette, this product is applied to a small area of ​​the cat's skin, at the back of the neck, an area that the cat cannot lick. This dewormer can also be used on pregnant or lactating females.

Dewormer for cats in syrup


Plurivers cat and dog, Dewormer in syrup from Biocania

One of the best deworming syrups on the market that we can recommend to you is undoubtedly the Plurivers Syrup, from Biocanina laboratories. Its active principle is Piperazine in the form of adipate, which allows it to act effectively on nematodes. The recommended dose is 7 ml of product for each kilogram of the cat, administered twice, over 24 hours. For kittens, repeat the operation every 3 weeks.

Be careful not to confuse internal dewormer and external parasiticide

Note that there are two main families of antiparasitics for cats: internal antiparasitics or internal dewormers and external antiparasitics.

  • Internal dewormers are used to rid your hairball of parasites that have settled inside its body (usually intestinal worms).
  • External antiparasitics are used to eliminate all the parasites fixed on the skin of the cat, in particular fleas, ticks, lice or even chiggers.

Some internal dewormers can be applied externally, through the skin, in this case pipettes expressly designed for this, which can create real confusion.

Thus, to avoid any ambiguity, it is often recommended to opt for tablets, which reduce the risk of erroneous administration of the treatment.

If you are looking for an anti-flea or anti-tick for your cat consult our page of anti-flea and anti-ticks for cats.

Tips on deworming: How to deworm your cat?

The deworming of your feline is an act that you can perform yourself, but this does not prevent you from consulting a veterinarian for a regular check of your cat's health.

How to administer a dewormer for cats?

There are 4 techniques for easily administering dewormer to your cat, whether it's by cunning when faced with a cat that doesn't like tablets or as a last resort to administer it manually.

  • Opt for a flavored oral dewormer (with meat for example), which will cause the cat to spontaneously swallow the tablet, on its own.
  • Ruse by crushing the dewormer to mix it with a small amount of food, for example cat food. Make sure he eats everything.
  • Forcefully swallow the antiparasitic tablet to your cat, opening its mouth with one hand and placing the tablet behind the bump of the tongue. This will cause a reflex which will cause the cat to swallow.
  • Finally, the last technique consists of administering an external dewormer, through the skin, in other words.

How often to deworm your cat?

The dewormers available on the market kill all the worms in your cat's body. These products only act as curative and not preventive, it is imperative to regularly deworm your little animal. Depending on the age and lifestyle of your cat, the number of wormings should be 2 to 4 times a year.

Once an adult, if your cat is an apartment cat and therefore never goes out, 2 dewormers per year will be more than enough. If, on the other hand, your hairball comes out regularly, you must deworm it at least 4 times a year, especially during changes of season.

Also note that the pregnant cat should be dewormed state to the 45th day (just before giving birth), and after farrowing to protect kittens.

A perfect cat that takes its dewormer easily

At what age should you start deworming a kitten?

A pregnant cat can be infected with a parasite and transmit it to her young still in her womb.

During its first days of existence to the first month, a kitten should receive treatment for parasitic worms every 2 weeks if exposed to a risky environment by its mother. It is advisable to deworm them for the first time from 15 days. Then, from 1 to 6 months, he must receive the treatment once a month.

It is important to note that for the first deworming if you are not used to having regular litters, it is imperative to consult a veterinarian before administering deworming to a newborn baby.

A newborn kitten can also very well be infected by its mother by sucking. Thus, it is essential to deworm your cat as soon as possible, that is to say in the days following its birth.

Intestinal parasites in cats: discreet infections

Parasitic worms can settle and survive in your cat's digestive tract for years. They feed on the animal's blood and nutrients. Over time, these will multiply, grow and invade its internal organs, creating irreversible damage in the cat's body that can lead to death. Note that kittens are the most vulnerable and most susceptible to parasitic worms. Fortunately, dewormers were invented!

Worm cycle in cats

The different types of parasitic worms

There are currently 3 main families of worms that can infest a cat: round worms or nematodes, tapeworms or cestodes and intestinal protozoa or coccidia.

The most widespread nematodes are ascarids (Toxocara cati) which, settling in the small intestine, irritate the intestinal nerve endings, thus causing inflammation of the intestine, severe diarrhea, general fatigue and even neurological disorders. in the kitten.

Among the most famous tapeworms is the tapeworm, which can be transmitted by a flea or the flesh of a freshwater fish. They can cause diarrhea in cats as well as pronounced weight loss. Note that the tapeworm can also infect humans!

Finally, the most frequent coccidia in cats are Isospora and Giardia which, once installed in the intestine of kitty, reproduce and destroy the intestinal cells used for absorption. This causes dehydration, severe diarrhea, as well as weight loss, which weakens the kitten.

How does the dewormer work against parasites?

Coming in multiple forms (flavored tablets or not, pipette and syrup), the dewormer acts when it is taken, by killing all the worms present in your cat's digestive tract, it could be compared to an insecticide to make a rough comparison.

As these products only act in a curative way (only at the time of taking) and not in a preventive way (no residual action), it is imperative for you to deworm your hairball regularly.

How to diagnose a worm infestation in cats?

As the adult cat rarely shows noticeable signs of a worm infestation, it can be difficult to diagnose it as affected. However, by observing a few key points, you can quickly tell if kitty is doing badly.

Control Your Cat's

Droppings An infested cat will have frequent diarrhea, as well as worms in their droppings. If, while observing your cat, you notice this first symptom, start asking yourself questions and investigate further.

Observe if your cat vomits often

A cat attacked by worms will vomit very often, and may sometimes reject adult worms as well. It is therefore important for you to control your cat's vomiting, as well as the frequency.

Control the weight of your little feline

If your cat is infested with intestinal parasites, he may be prone to weight loss which can vary from mild to severe. In any case, you will also need to regularly check the weight of your little animal. Note that in addition to weight loss, a cat suffering from worms may have an abnormally large belly.

Examine its gums

Parasitic worms cause a cat's gum discoloration. So make sure your cat's gums are pink in color. If not, it is possible that it is infested with worms.

Go to a veterinarian quickly

If you notice that your hairball is showing the symptoms described above, you should immediately go to a veterinarian with him. The latter will be able to detect the type of parasitic worms involved, and thus administer the appropriate treatment.

How do you know if the dewormer has been effective?

Most dewormers are administered in one dose and their effect is transparent. But there may be more severe cases where the vet prescribes a 3-5 day treatment.


In any case, to know if the dewormer has been effective, you must make sure that the symptoms described above have all disappeared in the days following the treatment. If not, you will need to see your veterinarian again.

How can I prevent my cat from catching worms?

Being contaminated by food, by being in contact with infested animals, by yourself and by many other things, your cat is susceptible to catch worms at any time. All you can do to protect it is take a few preventative measures like regular deworming, strict hygiene measures, and limiting the animal's exposure to the outdoors.

Limit Your Cat's Exposure

The first thing you can do to protect your cat from worms is to reduce the likelihood of her coming into contact with them by limiting her exposure to risk factors. This involves in particular limiting its outings outside, its contact with foreign animals, etc. Without depriving the cat of its freedom.

Adhere to Strict Hygiene Measures

Remember to keep your home and the cat's environment clean. Clean the litter box frequently (once or twice a week) to prevent the spread of worms. Obviously his bowls must be very far from his toilet.

Protect it against fleas and other external parasites

Fleas, ticks and other external parasites can carry diseases and intestinal parasites such as worms (in this case tapeworm). Thus, you must frequently use an external antiparasitic with persistent action, to kill all the parasites present on your cat's skin (fleas, ticks, lice, etc.), as well as to protect it from any possible re-infestation.

Regularly administer deworming treatment to your cat

As mentioned above, conventional medicines against worms have no lasting action and cannot be used as a preventive measure. This is why you should give your little feline at least 2 to 4 worm treatments over the course of a year, to make sure you always eradicate any worms that try to take hold.

Natural dewormers, a preventive measure

One of the best solutions to protect your cat from an invasion of worms is to opt for a natural dewormer. Indeed, unlike conventional dewormers, natural dewormers have an action that lasts over time, preventing the development of parasites inside your cat over a given period (weeks or even months). They are therefore intended for preventive use.

However, note that due to their mildly lightning action, herbal dewormers are not indicated for curative treatment.

Below, some 100% natural deworming products to protect your little feline from an invasion of worms.

Pets Purest 100% natural anti-parasitic dewormers for cats

Specially designed to improve the intestinal health of your cat in a 100% natural way, this product is administered in the form of drops. Indeed, it is without chemicals, without synthetic products, without parabens or sulphates, without GMOs, without alcohol, and is therefore non-toxic. Thanks to its powerful natural formula, it is effective against all common intestinal worms in cats. Its dropper bottle format makes it particularly easy to administer to cats.

This natural antiparasitic is intended for both preventive and curative use. To use it as a preventive measure, administer it for 2 to 3 consecutive days, every month. In case of invasion, give this dewormer daily to the cat for a week in a row and repeat the operation every 2 weeks, until complete recovery.

Biovetol - Intestinal Wellbeing Tablets for kitten and cat from 6 months - x3

Biovetol - Special Offer - Intestinal Wellbeing Tablets for Kitten / Cat - x10 Including 2 FREE

  • Contains garlic and pumpkin seeds, gum arabic, cinnamon and thyme.
  • With ingredients of vegetable origin
  • Give the indicated quantity (hidden in a ball of butter or mixed with a moist food), preferably in the morning on an empty stomach for 3 days, at the rate of one tablet every 5 kg of weight. To be renewed 3 times a year. Indications for daily intake: Cat up to 5 kg> 1 tablet | Cat 5 kg to 10 kg> 2 tabs.


Made from plants and plant extracts, this 100% natural product is intended for cats over 6 months old, to enrich their basic diet and ensure good intestinal hygiene. Indeed, this drug sold in the form of scored tablets (in 4 parts) is made from garlic, cinnamon, thyme, gum arabic, pumpkin seed and many other ingredients of plant origin. It is to be administered to the cat for 3 days in a row, and preferably on an empty stomach.

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